Volunteer Service

Letter from Doumandzou Association

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Here is a copy of the letter we received from the village requesting our support for the school renovation: Doumandzou letter; below is a copy of the English translation.



BP 20100




Encore de la Paix

5 Hancock Rd

Pittsfield, Massachusetts 01201




Subject: Request for support for the rehabilitation of the Doumandzou School

Ladies and Gentlemen and former Peace Corps Volunteers,

Your country, the United States of America, through the Peace Corps had established links of exemplary cooperation with Gabon through the construction of numerous schools in durable materials during the 1960’s.

Our village, Doumandzou, Department of the Okano, Mitzic in the Province of Woleu-Ntem benefited from this cooperation. An elementary school was built.

For more than a year, young Americans, like you, stayed in our village, sharing our life, soaking up our culture, in sum living as we did. Friendly ties, sometimes close, were woven and these remain today visible and enduring.

In 1966, when this school opened, the Gabonese Ministry of Education made it an examination center for all the region: the Certificate of Primary Education (CEP) and the entrance exams for Lycées  and Collèges were held here. Several generations of Gabonese entrepreneurs have gone to this school, thanks to your great country. Now is the time and the moment, 50 years later, for us to thank and praise the know-how of the Americans Peace Corps Volunteers.

Unfortunately with the decline of our school system over these last twenty years, particularly in rural areas, and the exodus to the cities, city schools have been favored over rural schools. It should be noted that since its construction in 1965, our 3 classroom school, currently with 2 teachers and 60 students, has had no repairs but is still standing; however with severe deterioration, the teacher houses are not in use.

It is because we believe that only the American know-how can guarantee the life of these buildings for the next 50 years that we now solicit your support. If you, the former Peace Corps volunteers in Gabon, as part of the  American NGO “Encore de la Paix”, are ready to return to Gabon for a period of a few weeks bringing your know-how, energy and ambition, modest financial contribution not forgetting  in kind donations (plane tickets, petty expenses, health insurance costs, working tools, etc. ) to help us with our project “Rehabilitation of the School of Doumandzou”, we, on our part, are ready to welcome you with open arms and spirit of hope.

Unfortunately, to this day we are still searching for financing for the project (estimated budget attached). Therefore we kindly request your help with the benevolent American sponsors, in order to restore this school, fruit of the effort of the American taxpayer, to its luster of yesteryear.

In this 21st century, our commitment to a “win win” form of cooperation is unequivocal. That is why, if this request met with a positive response from you:

1) the village community will mobilize to make modest contributions including but not limited to – food and lodging; sand, gravel, wood, tools, and other local materials; labor; access to the generator; a building for a temporary school, etc.

2) entrepreneurs of the village working in other parts of Gabon as abroad will lend their support.

In addition to sharing with you our desire to work alongside of you to rehabilitate our American school, we also asked the Gabonese authorities for a multifaceted support, as well as for  information on any official steps that need to be followed. The Ministry of National Education has already informed us that there are no particular requirements in this case. However they must be informed of the beginning and the completion of work.

Hoping for a favorable response to our request,